
Showing posts from March, 2020

Shader Practice 6-Integration

Section1 After a few examples of practice, Im trying to put them togethoer and see if multipuly shaders could work together. The first attempt is that disappear effect and the forcefield. What I want to realize is to make the disappear effect totally cover the forcefild ball inchluding the texture when it's concrete. But just like that previous example, the newly added shader can't affact on the original one on the object. So it's the same old problem, is it doable to let the added shader have an impact on other shaders or textures on the object ?  I probably can't fix this for now,  but I still recorded my attempts.    The experience told me it's not gonna work before I mixed them together, it looks not that bad though. There's one cheating way I came up with is to open postprocessing to make it blurry and super shining, so it basically realized my target as long as I can lie to myself. I don't know how to modify passes yet, but I ...